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Kids Are Gross

 Originally Posted September 2016
Rare occasion. Griffin's natural smile.

After watching The Book of Life, a cartoon with my children tonight, Jesse said that he was a Mexican. I corrected him by saying that he was not Mexican.

"But what am I Dad? he asked.

His grandpa responded, "Anglo-Saxon." I tried to clarify by saying, "European American."

He scrunched up his face in a squinched, inquisitive look and asked, "I'm a peeing American?"

"European American as in Europe."

Then Griffin asked, "Dad, am I a peeing American?"

Sarahmay found the winter clothes and started putting them on.

Needless to say, Ray and I had a hard time regaining our composure, but the boys thought that we were laughing about the "pee" joke. Why are little boys, and to an extent all little children, so attracted to potty humor?

This is a question that I have yet to answer; although, I have my theories. It must have something to do with the fact that everyone "poops" and "pees" but pretends not to notice this within the context of the general society. Little children must recognize that adults try to hush these things up by selectively ignoring the relative humor to be found in scatological processes. That being said, I've come to the personal conclusion that little kids are gross.


"Griffin, don't pick your nose and then wipe it on the couch."

"At least I didn't eat it, dad"

He has a point. It seems that every child has to go through a period where nose-picking is a developmental necessity. Every child I have ever seen or tended at one time or another has to find out how far they can stick their finger up their nose. There are the single knucklers, the double knucklers (although it has to be painful), and the next-to-impossible, brain tickling, triple knucklers. What children search for up there for beyond the elusive multi-colored booger, stretches my imagination and makes my nostrils hurt. I remember my uncle telling a story about a man who underwent a surgical procedure on his nasal cavities in his later years. When the procedure was done, the doctor showed the man a pencil top eraser that he had extracted. The man just said, "I put that up my nose in grade school about sixty years ago." I guess children don't just pick things out, they shove things in as well.

The car. That crazy traveling box of insanity. Yes, those are socks on Sarahmay's hands.

No one is immune to this behavior. It must be a human trait that we either practice discreetly or flamboyantly. I am a school teacher by trade, and I have seen children, teenagers and adults pick their nose and ingest the contents when they thought no one was looking. Adults do this most often in their cars, which causes me to wonder why people think that when they are enclosed in portable glass, they think that they have privacy? Oh well! The truth is, children simply do not care where they excavate boogers from their nose.

I'm not pretending that my kids are perfect little cherubs. I love them but they are gross.

To be continued...


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